What’s the link between strength training and fat loss?
You can do strength training anywhere you want, all you need is a big enough space to move safely.
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By Joe Wicks
Staying on track with your health and fitness goals around Christmas can be challenging, especially if your goal is fat loss. It’s a tricky time because, let’s be honest, so much of Christmas is all about food. Festive food hits us from all angles and it’s relentless. We can’t escape it in the long run up to the big day.
When you combine all that powerful messaging with the social events, Christmas parties, extra booze, the neverending selection boxes, then throw in some cold dark, windy weather, it makes December a perfect recipe for weight gain. I’d bet that more calories are consumed in December than any other month of the year. Would you agree? I do about 1kg of cheese on Christmas Day alone!
So, here’s how I personally approach the Christmas period.
Firstly, I have a relaxed approach towards it. I don’t get stressed by it – because I know in my heart it’s inevitable. I’m going to be over-indulging at times, eating way more than usual, I love my food and I won’t deprive myself of it. I want to enjoy Christmas and all the things that come with it, including the delicious food. Trust me, on Christmas Day I go for it, and I’ll be the first person to whip out the cheese board.
The big thing for me is that I always continue to stay active throughout December, apart from on Christmas Day. I personally love to exercise on Christmas Eve and Boxing Day, as a tradition for myself. It feels good to get up early and do some form of exercise to start the day then I can relax for the rest of it. I know some people like to do a Christmas Day workout but I take that as a rest day and just focus on eating, sleeping, farting and then eating some more.
Christmas can be stressful and exercising is essential for my mental health and boosting my energy during this festive period. It could be anything you like – HIIT, cycling, running, yoga, weights, swimming or walking. Just do whatever makes you feel good.
Where possible, I also try to follow my usual habits with food and cooking healthily at home, staying hydrated, focusing on healthy portions because ultimately, I want to feel good and energised. I only feel that way when I’m eating well.
So this year, try to take the pressure off yourself. Enjoy Christmas. You don’t need to be worrying about extra calories or undoing all your hard work. My biggest piece of advice is try and stay active, but ultimately, Christmas is a little break for us all and we can get back on the healthy eating train once it’s all over.
Merry Christmas, love Joe x
Ps. Right, where the mince pies at?
To help you stay motivated this December, I’ve created a 12 Days of Christmas Fitness calendar, so you can tick off every day you work out. If you’re on my app, take part in my 12 Days of Christmas Challenge, where I’ve handpicked 12 of my favourite workouts. Let’s smash December 💪