It’s about balance this Christmas season
My advice is try and stay active, but ultimately, Christmas is a little break for us all.
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We have news!
We are launching Classes on The Body Coach app.
We'll be Premiering 2-3 brand-new Classes from Joe, Lucy, and Leroy every week for a range of levels and abilities.
These new Classes will replace the existing Live workouts in the app.
Every week, we'll be Premiering brand-new workouts at set times, so you can work out at the same time as other Body Coachers. You’ll get the chance to Replay these at a different time alongside others, or play them on demand whenever suits you.
What else can you expect from Classes?
No technical hiccups. We know technical issues crop up on our Lives. This won't happen with Classes.
More consistent schedule. With live workouts, it's hard to keep the schedule consistent. Not with Classes.
Track your Classes. You wanted Lives to count towards goals and badges. Now Classes will do just that!
More workouts. Each week, you’ll get new workouts from Lucy, Leroy and Joe to do on top of your Cycle workouts.
The same sense of community. You’ll still be working out virtually alongside others just like Live workouts.
We'll be launching Classes on Monday 6 January on The Body Coach app. The first 2 weeks will be Joe’s January Bootcamp to kickstart the year right.
From Monday 20th January, Lucy and Leroy will be joining our Body Coach Classes moving forward.
More workouts, fewer technical hiccups, more convenient times – and a strong sense of community.
Are you in?
Joe and The Body Coach team x